Property Managers Breakfast – Citrus Heights/East Sacramento

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Date(s) - 02/28/2024
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Black Bear Diner


Informal breakfast for property managers to discuss issues and share information                                                              .

Property Managers Breakfast

Wednesday, February 28

9:00 – 10:00 am

Black Bear Diner

7935 Madison Avenue, Citrus Heights

If you rent properties or operate your business in east Sacramento County (Arden, Citrus Heights, Carmichael, Orangevale, North Highlands and Folsom), join us at our next the Property Managers Breakfast. Even if you operate outside of these areas, you are welcome to attend. However, we now offer bi-monthly Property Managers Breakfasts in South Sacramento as well as Placer County.

Property Manager Breakfasts feature informal discussions of current issues, business practices, and industry trends. A lot of good information is shared among colleagues over coffee and omelettes, such as new laws, property management software, Section 8 regulations, and more.

This East Sacramento County breakfast is held the last Wednesday of every month (except December).

No registration fee for property managers. Instead, you simply pay for what you order for breakfast.

Register in advance because seating is limited to 15 property managers. Sorry, no walk-ins.

The breakfast discussions start at 9:00 am, but you are welcome to arrive early. We end at 10:00 am but often linger a bit longer depending upon the conservations.

This is open to property managers only, but NARPM® Affiliate members may become a sponsor. The sponsorship fee is $200. However, if the sponsor decides to pay for the breakfasts of all property managers, then $100 of the sponsorship fee will be applied to the total cost of the breakfasts.

Registration (limited to 15 property managers)

NARPM® Professional property manager members – Free (only pay for your breakfast order)

Property managers without NARPM® membership – Free (only pay for your breakfast order) Non-members may attend once at no charge (except cost of breakfast) to evaluate one of the benefits of NARPM® membership.

Affiliate member sponsorship (limited to one Affiliate member) – $200 (Sold to American Leak Detection)

The sponsors is the only Affiliate member who may attend this event. If you would like to be a sponsor of a future breakfast, contact the Chapter Administrator.

Sponsorship option: The sponsor has the option to pay the cost of every property manager in attendance. If sponsor pays for their breakfasts, $100 of the sponsorship fee will be applied to the cost at the time the bill is paid at restaurant. Contact Chapter Administrators for more details.

Vendors who are not NARPM® members – Sorry, you must be a member of NARPM® to attend the breakfast. Please consider joining NARPM.

Click here to register


For more information, please contact:

Jim Lofgren, NARPM® Chapter Administrator, [email protected] or (916) 549-5052.

Shelby Challberg (Breakfast Facilitator), Sacramento Delta Property Management, [email protected]


Thank you to the Affiliate sponsor of this breakfast: